Social Entrepreneurship Learning Lab

Social Entrepreneurship Learning Lab •

We believe impact begins with individuals

The Social Entrepreneurship Learning Lab (SELL) Fellowship is an 8-week interdisciplinary fellowship for undergraduate students who want to create meaningful social ventures for their community. We are an impact-first community, built and run entirely by students. In a nutshell, we:

Get good people
Show them it's possible
Give them good tools
Find them like-minded friends
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Learn More About Us!

Social Entrepreneurship Learning Lab (SELL) Fellowship is UT Austin’s first social impact fellowship for undergraduate students looking to create their own social enterprises with peers equally passionate about positively impacting their communities.

A premier program for social entrepreneurship, a space to find an impact-first community, and a medium through which to grow new ideas.

Verticals for Impact

Climate & Environment

Create solutions to fight pollution, reduce emissions, and protect wildlife.

Economic Inequality

Work to eradicate poverty & establish sustainable & inclusive economic growth.

Urban Infrastructure

Tackle city congestion & transportation, develop smarter city-wide institutions.

Medicine & Healthcare

Improve access to healthcare systems, promote wellbeing & health education.

Education & Literacy

Work to provide equal access to education & reduce world illiteracy.

Justice & Human Rights

Advocate to reduce violence & crime, establish transparent institutions, foster peace.